
Monday, March 20, 2017

Lighting For Low Ceilings - The Bright Side

So, we're in the middle of this project. It seems to be dragging on with little change to show for it. That in itself is a bummer. Ripping apart walls and ceilings and all should come with a new french door, additional floor space or something! Not so, the case here. But there is a bright spot... As a major bonus for me in all this plaster removing, wire chasing, wall insulating, money eating work I got a ceiling light in the bedroom that is operated by a switch on the wall! Yes, I am aware that this is the 21st century and that we have had this technology for over 130 years. My house is older than that and so all electricity was fed into the house years after it was built. That is hard to do after walls are up and nothing was built to accommodate such things. This left us with sconces on the walls but no overhead lighting in the bedroom.

Our house is referred to as a colonial cape in the real estate market. What exactly qualifies it as that I cannot say for sure. The bedrooms and bathroom have walls that are pitched on the front and rear of the house. The rooms have small low windows on the front and back of the house; today it would not pass codes to install them so low.  And, the ceilings upstairs are low; 7 feet 11 inches low to be exact. 

So, I need a light fixture that is short in stature. The logical solution is to install a flush-mount or semi flush-mount fixture. My first reaction is "Ugh." Under no circumstances do I want a boob-light! You know the ones....

Enough said about that.

So, I searched and searched and came to the conclusion that no run-of-the-mill flushmount would do.

Plan B, which was really where my little decorating heart wanted to go anyway... some small-ish chandelier. Looking at lengths and chain or no chain and price were all factors in my quest. I decided that 15" in length was as long as I wanted the fixture to be. Nothing technical here; I crawled up on the bed with a ruler, held it to the ceiling and decided 15" was the magic number.  I like the idea of a chain but realized it would be only a few links if at all. I liked these:


     Customer Image Zoomed                         


I was getting carried away. I don't want my whole bedroom budget going on a light. I set a limit of $150 unless there was something I just couldn't live without and decided to try to hone in more on farmhouse/cottage styles....but I do love that bling! 

Here were some of my finds:



I ended up ordering this beauty from Amazon.


The day it arrived I was so happy! I brought it in from the front porch and unpacked it. It was larger than the measurements I thought I had read. I took it upstairs to hold up to the ceiling. As I held it up I decided that it was bigger than I thought but I liked it anyway and would wait for Mister to see it. I laid it down on the bed and noticed something was wrong. It was cracked! Not just in one place but in three different places! Ugh! I don't know what happened. Was it too cold outside and when the mail truck left it on the porch something happened? Was it damaged in transport? Who knows?

Long story short, the money was refunded to my account and the broken lamp sits in it's box on the floor in my dining room right now. So the hunt was back on. I revisited the choices from before and thought I should look for even smaller lights fixtures. 

I settled on one for a bargain price of $69. (Now it is listed for $79.) It came in less than a week and I was thrilled. Mister hung it that same night. It's a little rustic but a little glam with a nod to nostalgia. Mainly, I just lay in bed looking up at it cuz it's pretty.


So, as work continues in the living room and seasonal decorating is on hold because my home is a mess I can retreat to my bedroom at the end of the day, lay on my bed and look at the bright side of things.

Thanks for stopping by. If you enjoyed the visit here would you consider following me by signing up in the bar on the right or following along on Facebook or Instagram. Thanks again.



  1. Sometimes accidents happen for a reason. I love the one t hat you wounded up with for you room. I had to laugh at the boob light, so true isn't it?


    1. Ha-ha, yes, those lights. Thanks for the visit today and for the kind words.

  2. They both were great choices but I think you ended up with the perfect fixture for your room. It's so elegant yet simple. I love it!

    1. Aww, thank you, Linda. I love it, too! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Very nice choice Jolena. It is blingy but not too big to overpower the room.

    1. Thank you. I do love the bling but you're right, it's not too much.

  4. Well, I loved the one that arrived broken, but I also love the one you ended up choosing! Totally different looks, but both fabulous! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. No worries, Jann; I have plans for the one that arrived broke. Of course it will take some DIY surgery to repair it. Since it isn't costing me anything I will give it a try. Thanks for stopping by and for the party. I love seeing all the goodies there each week!

  5. I'm a chandelier kind of gal for sure, so I love what you ended up with. What a great price, too! I tried to go to the page where it's listed but the link did not take me there. I also searched on Home Decorators' site. IS that where you got it? (I'm obsessed with chandeliers these days!) Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen | Our Hopeful Home

    1. Hi Kathleen. I am sorry the link is no longer working. That is so weird that they sold out already! I did find it on other sites but for more money. You can find it here:
      Happy shopping!

  6. Pretty choice. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!
