
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A little distraction

Sometimes I just need to go look at pretty things. I need some inspiration and to be around people who are filled with oodles of creativity. This past weekend was a two-fer! First stop was the Wrentham Country Store for their At Home With White Show.

I got lots of good ideas and was just happy to be around so much clean, beautiful, white stuff. (My house is loaded with ugly, dirty, white stuff-construction dust!)

I love old frames! Fabric, pretty dishes and frames! Oh my!
I did come away with some great ideas and some pretty pictures to inspire me. 
I am a sucker for a well done vignette!

Love this! This was being purchased as I snapped photos. I
would have bought it  myself, but some lucky-duck beat me
to it! I do have some old window frames, though.....

Then there was this sweet bike all painted white. It had tulips draping over the basket in the front and a bucket on the back holding a French baguette and that reminded me of another stop I wanted to make...

Several towns over there is an old mill that has been turned into a recycler's best dream, ever! It is called Winsmith Mill and for those of you who live close it is a definite 'must-go-to' place if you like to decorate and make old things into new treasures, like I do. You can find them on Facebook. There are several different vendors all in one location. One lady sells Annie Sloan's paints and waxes, another sells cute clothing that has a boho flair. There are trinkets and hard to find things that grandma used to have. My favorite is a place called Vintage Thymes. They are only open for one weekend a month and each month they have a new theme. This month it was April in Paris!

I found a simply beautiful picture frame that I plan to use in the new kitchen. (No pictures of that, yet.)

Looking around I found this piece for the bathroom but was sad to find out that it had already been sold.
I know, you love it too!
As we walked around I found such pretty things and such girly things that made me smile and I just had to take pictures of them!

The loveliest shade of antique frenchy pink!

Afterwards we walked around to some of the other shops and I found more ideas for the bathroom although now that I am away from them I am thinking they might be too big for my project but I know I could find a place for them if I found the right one!
23rd and Bird was selling this beauty!

I don't remember which stores I found these in but they sure are lovely to look at. I think they would be great in the bathroom with pretty towels and small tower of fresh toilet paper rolls so that guests don't have to wonder where to find replacements if needed. The openness at the bottom would leave room for my electric baseboard heater. I am talking myself back into this. Perhaps I should scour craigslist for any one wanting to get rid of one that I can customize.

I hope you enjoyed the respite from the renovation as much as I did. Like a friend told me yesterday, "Sometimes, it is good to take a break"!