
Saturday, June 7, 2014

We're Cookin' Now!

....or at least we could be if we wanted to.

The stomach bug, which my pediatrician says is probably the Coxsackie Virus, has made it's mark on our lives this week. My youngest was sick while we were on vacation. When we got back my second oldest got a bit of a bug but nothing major. Monday evening it visit me and boy, oh boy, it knocked me flat! I won't go into all the pretty details but suffice it to say that it was violent. By the time I was feeling better my youngest was awakened at 1AM with it all over again! Yikes! Come to find out where about 15 of us from our church that caught it. As one young friend said "our church does like to share everything".

On day two of me feeling like a worn out dish rag the counter top man came to make a template for what will be our new granite countertops. I was falling asleep while he worked in the kitchen. One of my daughters sat with me to just try to keep me lucid until he was done. I napped for a few hours after he left and was able to stay awake while the electrician worked that afternoon. Two days later he returned to finish the electrical work. YAY!

My new kitchen pendant less the crystals. I
will add those after the countertops go in.

View from the dining room into the kitchen.
Bathroom light fixture in place...check!

Three months after we started my stove is plugged in and theoretically I could cook on it. We still have no plumbing anywhere on the first level so that makes it difficult to conceive of cooking like I am used to. The other happy moment was when we moved the refrigerator from the dining room back into the kitchen and plugged it in.

It looks better there than in the dining room,
don't you think?

This weekend we will work on the trim. We have shoe mulding, window trim and door trim to keep us busy until the countertops are delivered on the 18th. Our plumber can't come back in until the 16th. It gives us plenty of time to work on the detail stuff. We also have to finish the tops of the cabinets by filling the space above and place the crown molding.

Must get busy. Busy, busy, busy! (Frosty the Snowman quote.)

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