
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Small World

We’ve all heard it but I am beginning to believe it. “It’s a small world.” (all world. We haYou know you want to bust out singing right now.) The past month or so in my blog life this phrase has taken on abundantly new meaning for me.

I posted a small, oh so brief tutorial of our kitchen island and bathroom vanity (respectively) on Hometalk.  Hometalk is kinda like Pinterest but much more focused. "Hometalk is the largest home & garden knowledge hub on the web. No recipes, make-up tips, ect.  Anyways, in a matter of a couple days my posts had thousands of views. Happy dance!

That wasn’t the end of it. I was then contacted by Hometalk to curate a clipboard for bathroom vanities featuring several variations of the same idea-using something other than a store bought vanity in the bathroom. This is what I came up with.

You can see it here at Hometalk.

Now, as if that was not enough, a couple months ago, Anita from Cedar Hill Farmhouse was asking her readers (I am one) for some before and after type projects for a post that she would feature on her blog. I submitted an abridged edition of our kitchen renovation and she chose it for her post! It ran Sunday morning. You can see the post here. When I checked the statistics on my blog Sunday night it showed that in less than 12 hours I had over 500 visitors to the blog! For some bloggers that is a drop in the bucket but for li’l ole’ me-WOW!

This week I have received messages from “across the pond”, Serbia and all over the U.S.A. One woman wrote to me about my name. It turns out that her daughter’s name is the same as mine and her last name was my maiden name! I told her, as I am now relaying to you, that I believe God is using all this show me how small all this world and everything in it really is and just how big he is.

In my introduction on this blog I wrote that I did not know where all this was going to lead and I still do not know…but the Lord does. So, while I linger, I will continue to try to make my world around me a little prettier, I will continue to take pictures and pontificate on things that capture my attention. Prayerfully, as I am allowed to do something I delight in, you will graciously continue to spend time with me. I hope you find enjoyment and encouragement to try something different. Paint something, build something, make something old useful again. After all, we have been made in the image of the Creator!

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