
Friday, August 28, 2015

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Parting is such sweet sorrow. If you have been visiting my little corner of the blogosphere for any amount of time first, I thank you.  Truly.  I know there are literally millions of other blogs you could be spending your time at and I am honored that you are spending your valuable time visiting with me. Secondly, you must surely know my love all things summer and of my fight with change that occurs every August. This year is no different.

My home has spent the latter part of spring and the entire summer dressed in beach attire. Each trip to the ocean unearths new treasures to fill jars and baskets or to stack up, line up, or spill casually onto a shelf or table top In my home. I still have a shell I picked up while dating Mr. I wrote the date and the name of the beach he took me to on the underside and every time I see it I am reminded of that date and a love that was just beginning to bud.  And then it dawned on me that I never did get around to posting anything inside our home! So, come on in before it changes again.

Doesn't that drift wood remind you of a dolphin in the waves? Or is it just me?

I made the garland from a used paper towel tube and jute twine.

Always looking for beach glass-like precious jewels on the shore.

I have yet to find something to pot in cute pottery from Anthropolgie. The rocks are from a visit with Mr. to Block Island.

Heart stone and Grandmother's ginger jar.

A painting purchased on Cape Cod on a summer vacation 5 years ago.

Shells from the beach in Galveston, Texas a few years ago.

All our treasures remind me of carefree summers, walks on the beach, my silly girls chasing seagulls as little ones, and the one and a half hour rides in the car with the windows down as we sang old Journey songs at the tops of our lungs-totally worth every minute. They are all good memories dancing casually into my conscience as I look around at our home.

Gallery wall in the living room features pictures of two of our girls at the beach in days gone by.

A starfish tethered to the serving caddy works the theme into the dining room.

A little burlap and a hot glue gun for instant art. I did brush the starfish with glue and dipped it into glitter first.
A painting from Brimfield from many years ago gets some company from this sea star.

An aqua colored glass jar brings the ocean into the bathroom.

Yes, those are shells on the bottom of my bathroom curtains.

The weather is beautiful here and the beach is calling but I must not listen to its siren calls and press on into the new school year. The thought of Autumn has skirted around in the corners of my unyielding brain. Ideas for Fall decorating have waited patiently as I make my peace with the end of lazy summer days, swimming with friends and cookouts. I am prepared (at least outwardly) to embark on what  will be my middle child’s senior year of high school. Another reminder that things can't stay the same- seasons come and seasons go.

Sweaters and tall boots can’t be too far behind. And, I think I feel a twinge of excitement about that.


  1. Love love all your beachy touches. Beautiful and how romantic you have the shell from your first date with the hubby.
    I am a big summer girl too and want to hold onto these summer days just a little longer. Have a wonderful week end.

    1. Thanks for the visit, Kris and for the kind words. Hope you weekend is filled with unexpected blessings!

  2. Yes, that driftwood does look like a dolphin, what a fun find!

    1. Oh, thank you Audra! I was beginning to think I had been at sea too long! I am glad you stopped by!

  3. Your home is lovely and I echo all of your sentiments. Part of me doesn't want summer to end but another part looks forward to the cool breezes, warm sweaters and comfort foods of Fall.

    1. So glad you could stop by, Roselle! I always, eventually end up coming around to accepting the inevitable even if I am dragging my feet and whining the whole way!

  4. These are such neat little trinkets. :) How fun...but I know what you sad. :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  5. What wonderful ocean treasures! They are lovely as is your home!

    1. Thank you for coming by, Lisa, and thank you for the kind words!

  6. I love the beachy stuff! I don't want to say goodbye to summer yet, either. And my Dad used to make those rocking horses. I haven't seen one of those in years! So cool.

    1. Such a sweet memory of your dad. My mom gave me that horse many years ago and it reminds me of her when I look at it. No matter how old I get I still think I would ride one if it were big enough. Thanks for the visit, Jamie!

  7. I love your decor! I decorate all beachy too! I even incorporate it into the fall and winter season. Even if I don't live near the beach! Thanks for sharing your wonderful decorations and memories!

    1. I am so glad you visited, Pam! I try to incorporate the beach into my autumn and winter decor, as well. I need the reminder that summer will come back-especially during the long winters.

  8. I too love your beauty decor and I love the beach glass and the starfish picture. I can't wait to see you fall decor.
    Thanks for sharing at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.
    Hope you have a nice week.
    Julie xo

    1. Hi Julie! Thanks for visiting and for hosting the party! Hope you week is great, as well.

  9. Jolena thanks for sharing your love of summer with us. And your lovely collection of summer things. I am personally a fall person - we can swap locations because it seems to me that summer never ends where I am...

    1. Hello, Mary! Hmmm....summers that never end. I don't know if I could that but I am willing to give it a shot. I might miss autumn and spring. Winter is another thing all together, though. Thanks for spending time with me.

  10. Jolena, I can't believe I haven't visited your gorgeous blog before! We live in a beachside area, and I adore your take on the Coastal look. I wonder if you'd come and share at my linkup Five Star Frugal at A Tray of Bliss? We share ways of living elegantly for less, and displaying our treasures is a favourite topic. We'd love to have you. Love, Mimi xxx

    1. Hi, Mimi! I would love to link up to your party. Thank you for the invitation. I am so glad you visited today and hope you stop by again soon.

  11. This post resonated with me so deeply !
    I keep lamenting that I'm the only one in Blogland who's dreadng Fall -
    I very seldom decorate for it - usually waiting until the last possible moment in November to change things up a little !
    Thanks for sharing !
    ( saw you over at the homemade hangout )

    1. Oh good! I thought it was just me, too, Suzan! I don't want cute little pumpkins yet! I am always behind the eight ball on this season because I just want to hold onto summer while days are still warm and things are still green! Thanks for the visit!

  12. Love your beachy look, in fact, I just finished redoing our Master bedroom in a coastal look, at lil late but just decided we will enjoy it till next year...............something different. I am like you I was in no mood for Fall just
    a few days ago, but then as soon as it turned Sept. something magical happens to my heart..............
    Your wreath is so pretty, and your garland is adorable, I made a Christmas wreath years ago out of paper towel
    rolls and it had a flower like that on it. All your shells and sea glass are beautiufl, and so neat you have a shell
    from when you and hubby were dating.........sweet rememberances............always a good thing!
    Nice to meet you here in blogland Jolene, this was my first time to visit and will probably become a follower
    if I can find the place to do
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Hi Nellie, glad for your visit! While we know there are seasons for everything in life I do tend to find myself dragging my feet and fighting against the inevitable. God graciously leads me into repentance and gives me joy as I find beauty in the changing leaves and comfort from old sweaters coming out of their hibernation. I took a peek at your blog; very nice touches to your bedroom! I especially liked the whale tissue box. It is nice to meet you, as well, and so thankful for your time and comments. Have a great weekend!

  13. Just looking at these beach lovelies has made me cool! I love that you have the shell from your first date with your sweetheart. I have pulled the fall out indoors, but I am holding on to summer as long as I can outside. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  14. I love your beachy themed looks! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

    1. So glad you visited. Thanks for hosting the party!
