
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Strawberry-Banana Smoothies

What do you do with fruit that is going to go bad before you eat it? I freeze it to use in smoothies. I have a go-to recipe that came from trial and error. Today, I will share the recipe with you.

Often, I will peel bananas that are getting too squishy to eat, put them in a zip lock and toss them in the freezer. In the winter I will make banana bread but in warmer weather they are destined for a frozen treat! No worries if you don't have mushy bananas to freeze, fresh will do. I also freeze strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries if we don't eat them in time. The berries do need to be frozen to make the smoothie work.

This recipe is one of our favorite treats and it is full of good stuff! Sometimes it is enough to cover us for lunch or a late breakfast. This is also a delicious way to cool off!

Strawberry-Banana Smoothies

2 Cups citrus fruit juice (sometimes I use orange juice, pineapple-orange-banana, whatever is on sale)
2 bananas
1 ½ cups vanilla yogurt (I use low-fat and non-fat interchangably)
2 cups frozen strawberries ( I also use frozen blueberries and/or raspberries at times)
2 tbsp honey

(For this batch I had about 1/2 cup fresh blueberries that needed to be used so I threw them in, as well.) This recipe will make four servings.

Put all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth. You can add more juice if it is too thick for you or more frozen fruit if it is not thick enough. Adjust to your liking.

Add a straw and a hammock and enjoy the rest of summer!


  1. Mmmm... yummy! Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home!


  2. I could use one of these right now! Thank you so much for linking up to Merry Monday this week! I am sharing your post today on our MM Pinterest Board~ We hope to see you next week for another great party! Have a great week!

  3. This smoothie recipe looks so good. Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.

  4. I need to make more smoothies! I always stick fruit in the freezer before it goes bad and then I pull it out all frozen for smoothies. Makes them so yummy! I noticed the other day that my frozen fruit was building up. lol! Thanks for sharing your recipe with SYC.

    1. Hi Jann, glad for your visit. Hope many smoothies are in your future!

  5. This sounds so delicious! YUMMY!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

    1. Thanks for hosting and giving us a forum to share!

  6. Pinned. Thanks for showing how to make this amazing drink!! Linda

    1. I am glad you stopped over, Linda! I love these smoothies, hope you do too!

  7. We always have fruit that we just can't get to and eat in time. I love the idea of freezing it for the smoothies rather than let it go to waste!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Something to Talk About!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Karen! No more wasting the expensive stuff. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Thanks for hosting.

  8. I love a good smoothie. I will be featuring this tonight at my Sizzle into Summer party that opens at 8pm EST tonight. Please stop by and pick up an I've Been Featured button. Thanks.

  9. Thanks for visiting and including me in the summer party!
