
Thursday, November 5, 2015

2015 Fall Fairs and Markets-Part 2

It seems a bit off to be writing about fall fairs and markets when the temperatures are in the 70's. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Vivid memories of last winter flood my consciousness. It was a shock as it came on the heels of some unseasonably warm weather. We had stolen many sunny days from winter's allotted block of time and when the penalty was exacted it was harsh. We had record breaking amounts of snow in a matter of 6 weeks-more than 110 inches in Boston; over 9 feet! I think we had a little more than that where I live but after the first 8 feet who cares!?

Anyway, I did want to recap for you two local markets I got to attend. I love showing you pictures of the things that catch my eye. You just never know what may spark some inspiration to dig something out of the attic and use it in a different way or to grab a handful of old castoffs or garden things and bring them indoors for a cute vignette. So, off we go!

Yes, a wreath just like this did end up in my living room! (Here)
The first was to Mary Ellen and Sandy's Market. It is a pop-up market that happens a couple times a year. They did not disappoint with their lovely collection of vendors and the beautiful displays enticing the buyer and decorator (wannabe decorator) alike.

A few weeks later, on a crisp October morning,  I had the pleasure of attending the first Marketplace at Adam's Farm hosted by the ladies from Vintage Thymes Monthly Market. I have missed their monthly markets as they search for a new, more permanent home. I had been waiting patiently (or not so) for this market. Of course, I brought my camera!

My mister is always a sport and will accompany me when I ask but I got to go to this one with my dear friend. She is a busy, busy lady and in a season of her life that means any time spent with her is a precious commodity.

Not practical but terribly cute!
We took in breakfast first; always a good start to any outing. Conversation, prayer and just being able to share with one another about the things going on in our lives brings so much enjoyment to my soul. We are told to share one another's burdens and after spending time together and talking I was left with a better understanding of how to pray for her.

We walked and talked and reminisced over objects found..."I remember these..." or "My grandmother used to have one of those" peppered our conversation. We each picked up a few things here and there. Christmas seemed to permeate the autumnal setting. As much as I do not like to rush the holidays along I did find myself humming Christmas hymns.

 I really did try to get my friend on the Selfie Scooter but she was not having any of that!

There were lovely vignettes that made me want to go home and rearrange things, again. (Some of that wore off before I got home.)

Doesn't this remind you of Fixer Upper?!

Vintage Haven
All the booths just made me appreciate the talent and ingenuity of the vendors represented at this market. "Why didn't I think of that", seems to be a common phrase that runs through my brain.  

A tub and a wagon! 

The Crate Cottage 

Arrows are everywhere in home decor right now.

Gorgeous, right?! Reminded me of something that belongs with Anita at Cedar Hill Farmhouse.
We had reached the end of the market and I was feeling like the time had gone way too fast. At the end of it all we saw this sweet little box behind some other items not really displayed well.

I thought it was odd to not be out where it could be seen and appreciated rather than tucked sheepishly away from those who would appreciate it.

And then, once again, the Lord graciously opened my eyes. My thankfulness for this time with my friend should not be something peeking out from the shadows; hiding behind the selfishness of me wanting more time. Thankfulness should have been pouring out of every fiber of my being but like a child with a piece of candy I was looking at the bag it came out of and wanted more neglecting to savor the what I already had. As a Christian I am called to be thankful and grateful without ceasing or ALL things.

Col 3:15  And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

Psa 7:17  I will give to the LORD the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High.

Psa 86:12  I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.

Col_3:16  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 

I am thankful...thankful that God corrects my wrong thinking. I am thankful for the family He has given me in Christ. I am thankful for a dear friend to miss when she can't be near. I am thankful for autumns, apples, and markets and crisp mornings, cocoa and frost and for you. Thank you for spending time with me today.....while I linger.

Parties I like to attend:
French Country Cottage,The Shabby Nest,Chic On A Shoestring,Craft Dictator,WhipperberryRemodelaholic,Just Us Four,The Cottage Market,The DIY VillageDIY Vintage Chic,Blooming Homestead,The Girl Creative,Craft-O-Maniac,Satisfaction Through Christ,Missional WomenShabby Art BoutiqueShoestring EleganceA Tray of BlissThe Dedicated HousePieced Pastimes , Funky Junk InteriorsOne More Time EventsNifty Thrifty ThingsDIY ShowoffDwellings-The Heart of Your HomeFinding Silver PenniesThoughts From AliceInside The Fox Den (My Pinterventures), Cedar Hill FarmhouseCoastal CharmSew Can DoFlamingo ToesI Should Be Mopping The FloorsSkip to My LouCupcakes and CrinolineHome Stories A to ZHuckleberry LoveMy Uncommon Slice of SurburbiaDomestically SpeakingSand and SisalVMG206Creatively LivingPlucky's Second ThoughtThe Dedicated HouseKaren's Up On The HillCreate With JoyMad In CraftsCarrie This HomeThe Crafty Blog StalkerBetween Naps On The PorchStrangers and Pilgrims On EarthYes They Are All OursA Stroll Thru Life,  Our Home Away From HomeElizabeth & Co., DIY Dreamer Bowl Full of LemonsCozy Little HouseJust A Girl And Her BlogTime Warp WifeA Spirit of Simplicity11 Magnolia LanePink WhenLittle Miss CelebrationKitchen Fun With My 3 SonsReasons To Skip The HouseworkImparting GraceLambert's LatelyGrace and Good EatsToo Much Time On My HandsAKA DesignThe Charm Of HomeLife With LorelaiCommon GroundFrom My Front Porch To Yours,My Flagstaff HomeJoyful HomemakingHave A Daily Cup Of Mrs. OlsonCrafts ala ModeBlesser HouseMust Love HomePin JunkieA Delightsome LifeCraftberry BushSnazzy Little ThingsMy Repurposed LifeUp To Date InteriorsA Vision To RememberKatherine's Corner, Newmans Corner


  1. Oh gosh...these are such fun finds you have here! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jessica! Thanks for hosting the party!

  2. I love going to places like these, you find so many fun things to take home or want to take home that aren't found in regular stores.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Hi Stephanie, thanks for hosting the party! I do love the vintage fairs, a lot- maybe intervention-worthy a lot! It was my first visit to your blog and I am glad I found it! So happy you could spend time with me today!

  3. Such pretty pictures! It's still in the 70's here in Okinawa too. I love those vintage ornaments and the cotton wreath. So many great things. Thanks for sharing at The Creative Circle.

    1. Okinawa! Wow, Kathy! I was in Okinawa once on a layover from the Philippines to Oahu. (We were stationed in the Philippines at the time.) Funny how big the blog world is! Thanks for visiting with me and for hosting the party! I liked the cotton wreath and wish now that I had gotten it....Isn't that always the way?

  4. Lots of goodies! Thank you for sharing this week on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)

    1. Thanks for joining me on the trip and for hosting the lovely party!

  5. It's been a bit of a frustrating day. I just came in from outdoors after combing a specific area of grass and ground. My husband dropped a 1/8" of veneer -- that he needs. We looked and looked. I told him I would keep going until he called the game. He finally did but no luck finding the veneer. I came in, pulled up Pamela's Treasure Hunt Thursday and clicked on your link. I feel as though I strolled through the market with you, enjoying such charming sights. The cotton wreath, the scooter, the Christmas ornaments -- the photo of the lady, the gloves and the ice skates. Thanks so much for bringing me back to a happier place. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey

    1. Ann Marie, I am thrilled that you spent time with me and that the time lifted you out of frustration. I trust that God puts in front of our eyes the things we need when we need them. I am sorry that the veneer is lost: perhaps a different solution is around the next corner but even in those times we are called to be thankful. I am thankful for your visit and thankful that you were encouraged by my little corner of bloggerville.

  6. Really amazing photos! Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


    1. Thank you hosting the party and for spending time with me, Jennifer.

  7. Wow, lots of eye candy! Of course this red lover drooled over the chair with the thermos. The chippy chest with the arrow is fabulous as well. Enjoyed each and every photo! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Yay! I am so glad you liked the trip, Jann. Glad you could join me!
