
Friday, January 15, 2016


Just piddling around the house. We have been trying to get back into the routine though I am keenly aware that the word 'routine' is a lot like the word 'normal'. They are both fluid and subjective depending on who is using them and depending on the week, day, or moment.

I took the Christmas tree down this past weekend. It had been un-decorated for a week sitting naked in the corner. When we put it up this Christmas there were lights that did not work. It is a pre-lit tree and I couldn't figure out which bulbs were keeping entire sections dark. We worked around it this year but when it was over I cut all the lights out of the tree.

 I am too cheap to want to buy a new one and after cutting out all the lights I will never again buy one pre-lit! I hope when we set that puppy up next year that it doesn't look like something that should have been tossed.

While I was working on the lights Mister decided it was a good time to start working in what will be the office, lounge and music room. It also houses my closet. Remember, I lost my closet when we switched rooms around and I was left with a small 3 foot closet.

Fancy flooring found under the carpet in the new, enlarged closet.
 My stuff was scattered everywhere! Mister set out to make me a bigger closet and wire the room for an overhead light and switch.

Yes, there is a door inside my closet. It is a door that accesses the small closet in the master bedroom. One closet, two doors connecting the two front bedrooms. My girls had a blast with that when they were little!

I must say I am stuck when it comes to this room. I know it needs to be done, Mister wants to get it over with.

I am feeling that pressure and still trying to get things back to some sense of order and normalcy. (A term coined by Warren G. Harding after World War I-home schooling rocks!) Picking paint colors and figuring out how to configure things in the room to give us maximum function in a small space is taxing my pea-brain.

While I work that out I am turning my attention to much smaller matters. I put together this arrangement for the living room coffee table after seeing something similar at Stone Gable. I've tweaked it a bit to my liking.

Painted and glittered pinecones

I elected to use plain ones instead.

Small steps and sense of accomplishment! It really is all I can handle right now but I am conscious that Mister is ready to work and I can't take that for granted.

It's Party Time:

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