
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

No Fuss Beach Decor

What happened to summer! It has been a busy one, this year. Summer started with a visit from my dad and my second oldest child graduating from high school.

There were trips to the Cape.

Nobska Lighthouse
I completed my first (I say that as if there will be more) remodeling job for someone other than myself. 

I did manage to get a few projects done around the house but I will save that for another time. There were more trips to the beach and sleep-overs and birthdays.

But before all of this I did some summer decorating. I got too busy doing stuff to ever get that post up on the blog and here it is now August 31st, the unofficial end of summer. All the bloggers I like to follow are posting autumn decor images, crafts and tutorials. Not me, no sir! Once again, I am clinging onto summer with every fiber of my being. It should be no surprise that my summer decorating revolves around all things beach. None of it is really fussy, just collected things from the beach like my beach glass, shells and rocks stuck in jars. 

Peonies from my June garden with a mixed bunch from our local florist.

Dried hydrangea from the garden, an old clock face under a cloche with a paper rose and twinkle lights to make it sparkle.

A card-catalog drawer painted and metal letters purchased from one of my favorite monthly markets. A Mary Engelbreit print from one of her old magazines framed up nicely.

My collection of heart stones found on the beach.

A pair of old corbels that came off our front porch when we had to do some repair work. They were covered due to lead paint. I cleaned them up and put on several coats of shellac. 

I have checked everything off of the summer to-do list:

I'm not ready to start thinking about decorating for autumn nor for facing the reality that it is almost time to get back to our home school routine-(like tomorrow) but time waits for no man- or procrastinating homeschooling, decorating, blogging mama. Hey, Labor Day is almost here. I bet I can get to the beach one more time!


  1. Oh how I agree summer went too fast. I am a summer girl and while I love the seasons, summer is my fave. It is hard to say good bye to sweet summer and welcome in Fall. Have a wonderful Labor Day.

    1. Kris, I feel we would probably be great friends! Hope you have a great weekend and I did make it to the beach today!

  2. Summer did fly by! I'm glad you had lots of fun. We made it to the beach once. We live very far away, so it means a vacation for us. Lots of fun! I have pulled out my fall because the leaves have started changing here. However, I'm in no hurry for summer to end! Love your beach décor!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

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