
Monday, August 1, 2016

Our Changing Home-Part 2

See Our Changing Home-Part 1 for a bigger picture.

When we repainted the walls a few years ago we also painted all the trim and wainscoting my go-to white- December Starlight by Valspar. It is not a bright white; a little warm but not ecru or beige. Next to any other color it just looks white. I have used it all over my downstairs to lend cohesiveness to the spaces. No small task when you consider the fact that I had my husband paint all the trim to match individual rooms! What was I thinking!

When I changed colors I also changed the things I wanted to decorate with. Back then my decorating style was a product of too many 1980's Home Interior parties!

My home was filled with things that my mom liked. I always admired that her home looked put together so my purchases reflected her style. There were rules to follow to make proper wall and table-scape arrangements that my mom taught me. It was how you were supposed to do things but it wasn't me, at least not anymore.

What do I love, what things do I take joy in.... What pictures and images had I clipped from magazines and stored in my binder (pre-Pinterest years)... What decor style makes me stop and look longer at each detail...These were questions I started asking myself. And if you have been following along for any amount of time you know the answer is anything that includes the beach, summer, or sun.... So I painted the walls to resemble sand.

I bought a new rug to add some coastal color.

I had to work with an existing (and not long before purchased) leather couch and love seat. I shopped Craigslist and painted furniture purchases found there.

I used hand-me-down pieces from my great-grandmother and grandmother and the chest my grandfather built for my mother when she was born; the last of nine children . (The next youngest sibling was 12 years older than my mom and everybody was surprised when she arrived!) The little chest was just made from scrap lumber my grandfather had lying around from different projects. He was a finish carpenter by trade. My mom painted it about 25+ years ago. It is simple but to me it is a treasure.

I am constantly tweaking and moving things. I transition things in and out seasonally. I pack things away for long periods of time and find joy in rediscovering them when the right time rolls around again. Tastes change and styles change. I try to not spend too much time, energy or money on doing what is current but I do enjoy keeping watch for different style trends. I like to focus my style on what I really love; some Shabby Chic, traditional, beachy/coastal, cottage-ish, vintage, upcycled, ... oh, I think I am adding to the list from a previous post! Maybe "eclectic" should cover it? I can't make up my mind and I don't know why I should have to! I like a lot of different things.

That being said, I want our home to be welcoming and comfortable. I want people to not feel inhibited about kicking off their shoes and curling up on the couch. I can't think of anything more complimentary than when someone comments that our home is cozy and comfortable. I believe that happens when your home is a curated, eclectic journey that reflects the people who live there. It beckons friends to a cushion on our couch with a strategically placed pillow, a cup of tea or glass of lemonade and a warm conversation. That is when I love our home the most; when we are allowed to use it to minister to and share with others.

Our home is 1400+ square feet; not huge by American standards and not large compared to many blogs I follow but enormous compared to the rest of the world. To more than 3/4 of the world's population (a figure I am guessing at) we live like kings. I am aware that there are families in our own country that would think our home was a palace. I don't want to take that for granted, though I do confess that many times I compare myself to others. I am reminded to be content. God has given me abundantly more than I could ask or think (Eph.3:20-21) and He does not do this so that I may be boastful or greedy.  I find that a hard fence to straddle at times as I blog about the different things we are working on in our home. God has blessed us so that we may lavish it upon others; using our home as a means of grace.

Whether your home is a 120 square foot tiny home or a palace filled with marble and gold, a rented space or borrowed abode,  may you give thanks to God above for your home and use it for his glory as you minister to the needs of others in it. May you always be able to put your feet up at the end of a day-or kneel- and thank God for the home he has blessed you with.

The Ornament of a House is the Friends Who Frequent It ~

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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  1. Your home is lovely. I agree we do mostly live like kings in this country. I, like you, am also very grateful for the home I have and those I can share it with.

    1. Hey, Joanie! I am so glad you visited with me. I am happy to know that your home is being used to serve others. I hope you stop by again soon.
