
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

There Is Always Two Sides To Everything

No, this is not a political statement nor am trying to solve an argument between my girls. This is something far less important unless, of course, you're a serial decorator wannabe.

So, we (really, meaning I) have a tendency to see the things my home is not. I notice all the things my home doesn't have. Why didn't these things stand out when we were buying the house? I don't know but here we are 13 years later... My living room has 5 windows, a door, interrupted wainscoting (aka beadboard) and an opening to another room big enough to park a couch in. No solid walls or a fireplace; all this means that a focal point for the room is hard to identify, furniture arrangement is a nightmare for one like me who wants to move everything around all the time. What's a girl to do?!

I have oogled over all the pretty pictures online; the winter whites and silvery visions is where I was headed. I rummaged through photos of Christmas' past in my living room.

Christmas 2015
Then, I took a left turn at Albuquerque. (Does anyone remember that cartoon?) I was lamenting that I had no fireplace to hang my stockings by, no huge mantel to display my mother's painting over, no wall space worthy of a special piece... I stared at the hutch top across from me and tried to figure out how to hang the picture there. You know, like the pictures hung on bookcases in front of a beautiful stack of books. Yeah, wasn't working. Think, think...think....

Easter time 2016
That hutch was a Craigslist score. I drove that thing home on the top of my Highlander with one hand on the steering wheel and one hand up through the sun roof holding onto it as I drove 20 miles an hour all the way home! But, I digress...Then, decorating genius hit. Or maybe I am crazy. Or both. I needed to enlist help.  I grabbed Mister, who confirmed I was in fact crazy. "Let's just try", I said, hoping I wouldn't hate it and have to hear him say "I told you so".

I cleared everything off that hutch top and we turned that puppy around to expose the back of the cabinet. It is solid wood (laminate would have been such a bummer).

Took these with my cell phone. No time to grab the camera when I ask for Mister's help.
I considered white washing it but Mister didn't seem to like that idea. I put a nail in it-not sure if it went through the other side or not- and hung the picture. I stepped back. It was not white, not sparkly, not silver, not pristine like I had imagined.  I dug through my stash and put some things together. I threw a bottle brush tree in the back of a truck I had ordered online and tossed in a few more I had picked up in my adventures and not bad.

No, it's not conventional. It won't win decorating awards. I might look at this next year and gasp as I cry "What was I thinking?" The silver and winter whites will wait for another year or another room. This year this room is feeling very cozy and I think I like it. I was being selfish and ungrateful as I considered all that my home was not but once I stopped to look at what I did have I was happily surprised. Moral of the story: try to look at things around your home differently... there is always two sides to everything.

*Comments are always welcome but please no advertising or links not affiliated with home decor as they will be deleted. Now, I'm off to the parties:
The Chronicles of Home, Up To Date Interiors, Charm Bracelet Diva, The Pin Junkie, The Charm of Home, Shoestring Elegance, Chic On A Shoestring, Shabby Art Boutique, The Cottage Market, McCall Manor, Olives-n-Okra, Imparting Grace, Life With Lorelai, Katherine's Corner, The Vintage Nest, Joyful Homeking, Have A Daily Cup Of Mrs.Olson, A Delightsome Life, Creatively Homemade, French Country Cottage, DIY Vintage Chic, Ms ToodyGoo Shoes, Pieced Pastimes, One More Time Events, Reasons To Skip The Housework, Finding Silver Pennies, Nifty Thrifty Things, The Boondocks Blog, ReDoIt Yourself, The Chelsea Project, The DIY Showoff, Dwellings-the Heart of Your Home, Create With Joy, The Stonybrook house, Pursue Your Project, Coastal Charm, I Should Be Mopping The Floor, Creatively Living, Plucky's Second Thought, Cedar Hill Farmhouse, Skip To My Lou, Cupcakes and Crinoline, The Dedicated House, Lou Lou Girls, Strangers and Pilgrims On Earth, Celebrate and Decorate, Our Home Away From Home, Peaches and Salt, Love Of Home, A Bowl Full of Lemons, Timeless Mama's Apron & Pearls, Ducks n'a Row, Savvy Southern Style, The Newlywed Pilgrimage, Gingersnap Crafts, Handy Man, Crafty Woman, Remodelaholic,r My Repurposed Life, Skip To My Lou, Common Ground


  1. I love the look, but I would paint it white. Ask hubs what difference it makes if the back is painted since it's on the wall most of the time anyway? I was so taken with your last banner. I was hoping to see one you whipped up for Christmas. If you did one it would look great across the top there.

    1. Hmm...good ideas! Good think about decorating in my home is that nothing is ever permanent! Thanks for the thoughts and for the kind words.

  2. Your home is beautiful. I look at all of those blogs and wish I could have that for my home too but like you said, there is always two sides to every story.
    Their version, our version and the truth.
    I think you and I would be friends in real life, so I am adding your blog to my Bloglovin' feed.

    1. Anna, that is just about the sweetest reason anyone has ever followed this blog. Thank you for adding me, I am honored. Oh, the gifts we receive that don't come from a store or wrapped in pretty paper. They are precious. Praising the Lord for your kind words this morning!

  3. I loved this post (visiting from Share it One More Time) not only for the wonderful new look you created for your living room by using what you had but also for the way your words resonated with me. It is so true, we always focus on what we don't have and get so caught up in all our wants that we don't realize or appreciate the attributes of what we are so fortunate to already own. Especially at this time of year, we need to see posts like yours more than ever. Thanks for sharing!

    1. That is so sweet! Thank you, Lori and thank you for following along. I am so glad you could spend some time with me.

  4. Don't know what it is about the Misters but mine does not want anything painted white! Love the FEEL it adds to your room. You put into words just as I feel. I am a first time visitor from Silver Pennies Sunday. I also will follow you now.

    1. Yay! Thank you for the follow and for visiting with me today. Don't you just love Danielle's beautiful blog? So glad you hopped over. As for the Misters...I just think they don't have the ability to imagine what they haven't seen sometimes. It's our job to help them! Right? Well, at least that is what I am telling myself. Hehe.

  5. Oh my gosh this looks perfect-genius! Isn't it funny how we always see the worst? I love your perspective this Christmas, always two sides lol. I really do love the new look and want to thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm! xoKathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

    1. Thank you, Kathleen! Merry Christmas and thank you for hosting the party!

  6. Well I think it's down right creative and turned out darling! Where there's a will, there's a way! :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Oh, thank you, Jann. Maybe next year I will look back and hate it but for now it's working for me. Thanks for the party.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you for visiting with me and for the kind words!

  8. I love this idea and your Christmas decor is beautiful.

  9. I'm always looking for different ways to use things. I love this

    1. Thank you, Emily and thanks for visiting with me!

  10. Very pretty and yes I remember. Bugs was my hero growing up! I take a left turn at Albuquerque often. lol

    1. Hi, Holly! I am so glad I am not the only one taking that left! I am so glad you could stop by. Thank you for the kind words. Merry Christmas.

  11. Very creative! I love seeing how people decorate their homes. It always gives me great ideas.

    1. Thanks, Sara. I hope you found some inspiration here!

  12. I really like your decor choices! Looks great

  13. What a brilliant solution! I love the exposed wood! It's a warm and cozy beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Kim! So glad you could stop by for a visit.

  14. Girl.friend! This is awesome!! Way to work with what you have!! I'm easily sucked down the same rabbit hole (and yes I know exactly that left at Alburquerque...! God bless Bugs...) when I look at what my home isn't-- smallish, no mantle, blah blah blah. But thankfulness is the key to abundance and your blessed with such a unique way of looking at things! Happy to have happened upon your blog! Going to find out how I can follow you too! ♥

    1. Hi, Heather! I am so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for the kind words and the reminder that thankfulness turns what we do have into "enough". Glad you are following along! Yippee! Merry Christmas!

  15. Great idea with the hutch (dresser), love the truck and trees too.

    1. Thank you, Claire! Those trees are really a thing for me this year??? Not sure why... Thanks for spending some time with me today.

  16. Beautiful! You definitely made it work! :) Thanks for sharing at Dishing It & Digging It!

  17. I lover the antique pick up with the tree in the back...perfect nostalgia

  18. Such a creative and simple way to change things up. Your decor is so homey and cozy... perfection for the holidays.

    1. Thank you! Homey and cozy are two words that we always want our homes to be!

  19. Just wanted you to know that I chose you to be featured at Vintage Charm tomorrow! Stop by and grab a Featured button! xoKathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

  20. Just beautiful. Pinned the picture with the truck and the Christmas tree. Linda @Crafts a la mode

    1. Thanks for pinning, Linda. I always forget to do that! Too much social media for this old gal.

  21. Perfect and Ah-mazing! Thank you for the inspiration, I too have challenging living room walls. My house even has a chimney on the outside, but they dry-walled over the fireplace. I love what you have done!

    1. Living with the design choices of others can definitely be a head-scratching challenge! Thank you for stopping by today and visiting with me!

  22. Well you did it! You came up with a brilliant solution. This really highlights your mom's painting and also serves as a showcase for all of the pretty ornaments. Your home is beautiful and noones home is perfect. I bet all those pretty pics you see in the other blogs are all staged. People don't live like that. Your home is warm and cozy but most of all it is real. And I think that is the highest compliment I can give anyone. It has to feel like a real person can walk in and feel at home and that is just how I feel when I look at your space Jolena.

    1. Haha, Mary. There are photos on my blog that if truth be told a simple pan to the left or right would leave you with your mouth hanging open at the mess! We live here and nobody is neat about. Life is messy and sometimes highly disorganized....real. It is a lovely compliment. Thank you!

  23. Love the decor! The trees and the truck....wonderful. Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday!

  24. Beautiful! Where did you find that truck? Perfect ❤️

    1. Thank you, Joleen! I found the truck on Amazon: It came with two surfboards welded in. I cut them out with metal clippers. It is not a perfect specimen; a little wonky on construction but over all I liked the look.

  25. Love snowy trees and Christmas truck!
    Lovely cozy home :)

  26. This is the ultimate in shopping your home before you buy something new. You accomplished your goal in a big way and it looks fantastic!Thank you for sharing with us this week at Celebrate Your Story, have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Sandra and thanks for opportunity to share through the linky party! Merry Christmas!

  27. Everything looks so pretty!! :)

    I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks:

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  28. I love it! So true; there are always homes that have more and totally different, but there's no place like "our" they ever so humble!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Cindy, and for the kind words. Thanks for the party!

  29. Well I think it was a stroke of Decorating Genius and turned out splendidly! No matter what Home we have there are always those challenging nuisances that might inhibit our Vision for the Stylist in us that wants the Editorial Look we have on the canvas of our Imaginations. I have a New Home that I Love the look of... and yet, the Gas Fireplace and how they chose to build it {very Modern and underwhelming, tho' it has two sides facing two rooms} is an Annoyance. I'm brainstorming how to make it appear more like a REAL Fireplace... the Stocking hanging kind... and forget about that Gas Fire just isn't REAL Fire!!!!! *Winks* Merry Christmas from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
