
Saturday, May 10, 2014

I Was Floored! (ha-ha)

Okay, bad pun but you really should expect that by now.

Mr.FixIt took Friday off to make some good progress on the flooring. We got the rooms cleaned out and the finish layer of the plywood down. When we were done there was not a two inch scrap of the plywood left anywhere. Mr.FixIt measured that perfectly! The weather was supposed to be "scattered showers" throughout the day. God, apparently, had a different plan as it vacillated between drizzle and rain all day.


So, we were cutting the plywood outside on the deck stretched over two sawhorses with a plastic sheet covering as much of the wood as possible to safely make the cuts. I learned the importance of a sharp blade. Ours was not optimally sharp and by the end of the day I had wood shavings and dust all over me. I had so much in my hair that I swear I saw a woodpecker eyeing me!

Work site rained out! Table saw is under the
white plastic.
Once the plywood was down we cleaned again. This layer has to stay as pristine as possible to provide a nice surface for the flooring to sit on. At this point we were physically starting to tire. The thought of moving onto the hardwood flooring without a fresh go at it worried me a bit. I am the kind of person that does the little things first in order to see instant progress that spurs me on to the larger jobs so I suggested we lay the bathroom floor. For this part of the project we chose a vinyl tile product from Home Depot. The one I originally wanted was no longer available so I went with another version of the same flooring.

This flooring is very thin so there would have been 3/4 of an inch or so difference from the kitchen floor. Mr. decided to lay an extra layer of plywood in order to bring it up another 1/2 inch plus the depth of the flooring itself. A transition strip will make the difference almost imperceptible. It went fairly quick as these pieces were 24 inches by 12 inches. They are made to look like tile. After an hour or so of work in there we were done and we had a finished bathroom floor (less the trim work).

Mr. said as long as we had that done we could put the vanity and toilet in the bathroom just to get them out of the living spaces in our home. Yippee!
Mr. using the hole saw to make way for the drain pipe.

Still a little work to do on this but it is so nice
to see it in place.
I know we are no where near done yet but every little bit of progress does give me a surge of energy to move forward. Today we started laying the hardwood floor. The process took a little math (not my strong point) and some planning. We have two entryways on one side of the kitchen. One is the door to the back porch and then two feet in from that is the doorway to the dining room. We wanted to keep a full width board as you walk from the dining room to the kitchen, as it gets a lot of traffic. The math info on how to figure that first board and the width, ect. can be found on many different youtube videos so I won't bore you.

Pay no attention to the mess outside the door.
Anyway, we did it and got several rows down before we called it quits for the day. Tomorrow is Mother's Day and my husband and girls wanted to do a little shopping before it got too late.

Yesterday, a local guy stopped by offering his services for hire to manage our lawn. It has been neglected.

It is May and has not seen a lawn mower yet. We took the hint and when they got back from shopping Mr. stopped his other work to attend to the grass. The weather was beautiful today and we decided to just enjoy it a bit after he mowed. The rest of the floor will be there Monday. For now we are just going to enjoy the evening and prepare for worship tomorrow.

Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day! I hope you are enjoying it with your families.

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