
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Just A Peek!

We got the floor in! I am soooooo excited about that. I was hoping to have it done Tuesday night but I had not taken into account that my almost fifty year old knees were not as able to bend and kneel and get back up again so many times in one night. The whole process is rather involved. You have to make sure that your seams are not within six inches of the seams on the previous row. You want to use the longer pieces in the areas that are most visable. Two reasons for this- one, it gives the appearance that all or most of the floor has long boards and two, it tricks the eye into elongating the room, making it appear larger as your eye will naturally follow the length of the a long board. Originally, I had wanted to lay the flooring perpendicular to what you see in the photos but Mr. B., our friend, talked us out of it and I am glad that he did. We got done with the floors Wednesday night. I cannot express enough thanks to Mr. D. for lending us his Kobalt pneumatic nailer thingy. It was a life and knee saver; at the very least it is a sanity saver.

You cannot see much of the floors from this shot. We decided to be wise and listen to the dvice about laying down some thick paper/cardboard stuff to protect the floors.
The white thing on top of the corner cabinet to your right is
my new dishwasher- Do you need a moment? I do.......

As you get close to the end of laying the floor you can't use the automatic nailer-thingy and have to do things by hand. Thank goodness it was only a couple of rows like this. I cannot imagine what they did before modern conveniences!

Turns out Mr.FixIt is more like me than I thought. He needed to see some stuff in place just to give him that push to continue on. So, we took some of the cabinets out of their boxes and placed them approximately where they should go.

I am excited to see them in place and can't wait to make it more permanent but this week is very busy.

We finished up with one of our homeschool groups. It was a bittersweet meeting as one of our students is graduating this year. We have been learning together for the last eight years. Next year it will just be me and my girls doing the unit studies...unless God has other plans for me. Friday night we celebrated with a dinner and presentation of the children's work. I think I will probably do a separate post on our school year later.

 All this preparation meant that the kitchen took a back seat for a bit. That's okay. We needed a brain break anyway. Truthfully, my body was aching and took advantage of the break, too!
There is still much to do and I hope you will stop by to see the progress!

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