
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Design Disaster....Almost

I recently showed my choice of tile for the kitchen.

I was at a loss as to how to deal with an outlet that I had not thought through. The tile was to go behind the stove along the whole wall to the wood beam. We were just about ready to do the tiling and thought perhaps it would be nice to carry the tile to the other side of the room and place it under the cabinets. That meant another trip to Home Depot to see if they had anymore. They had plenty and so I picked up what I needed and happily skipped home anticipating how pretty it would look once up.

Fast forward a few days later. Mr. FixIt is ready to tile after working all day. We had a house guest for the day and I had forgotten to put anything out for dinner. Off to the market I ran while Mr. got started. When I got back he had three sheets of the beautiful tile up on the wall with all upper cabinets. I looked at it and said "Oh." It was not a good oh-like when you find out you have just won the lottery, seen a sweet baby video on Facebook, watched a gorgeous sunset or tasted the best raspberry truffle ever. Any one of those oh's would have been better than my oh.

Mr. just looked at me. He knew that there was no point in continuing. "If you don't love it", he said, "tell me now." Of course, I answered like anyone in their right mind would have. "What do you think?" Why do I ask that? Typically, I ask that question and then if I don't like his answer I get angry with him. I know it is not rational-move on. He said he thought it looked dated then turned the table and asked me what I thought. "I don't love it", I said rather dejectedly. Did that just come out of my mouth! I have been waiting months to see this tile up! What's wrong!? It was competing with the beautiful countertops. It was too much eye candy. Heavy sigh. In this case more is not more.

He took it all down and cleaned the wall. He then declared his preference for not tiling that wall and only tiling the wall behind the stove. Hmmm...... Once you ask someone's opinion you are likely to get unsolicited opinions about other things. Mental note made. And so, off we went t to return my beautiful tile and to try to find something a little less bling-y.

We did not find what we were looking for at Home Depot. We were thinking a simple glass tile all in one color. Perhaps a sheet of glass or mirror behind the stove would be nice. We ended up at Lowes where we found glass subway tiles and I thought that was going to have to be it when I saw these beautiful lovelies:

So, this morning Mr.FixIt got the wet saw going and tiled the wall behind the stove. I chose a gray grout but that will have to wait a day or two. I will let you see when it is done. For now this will have to do.

I am very happy with the tile. It is not what I had originally thought I wanted in this space but I do think it is beautiful. I hope you agree.

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