
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014: The Year in Review

Well, it has been a crazy year in our home! It is hard for me to even begin to recount all that we accomplished in the past twelve months. A year ago the only thing I was anticipating was a fabulous trip to Bermuda that my Mr. had purchased for us as a Christmas gift. That was a big deal for us and so exciting!

Bermuda 2014

As we entered the new year we realized that our home really needed some attention and toyed with the idea of selling the home and passing the work on to someone else. I wanted a dishwasher and getting one in  my kitchen was next to impossible, I thought. The idea of moving slowly faded from our radar as clearer heads prevailed (more like God said no), and we rolled up our sleeves and tore apart our kitchen, pantry and half bath. My husband said I have the most expensive dishwasher ever!

Silly girls!
Wrecking crew.

I became quite adept at cooking in a crock pot and small microwave oven. I learned way more about construction than I thought I ever wanted to know. I became keenly aware of all the behind-the-scenes things they don't show you on do-it-yourself television programs. I learned that my girls can really work hard and long hours like troopers. My husband showed me, once again, the lengths he will go to make my crazy dreams come true.

Dreamy kitchen
Our homeschooling experience changed this year. In the fall we set out on our own. For five or six years we worked with another family. We met once a week and reviewed together, sharing  resources and ideas.  We encouraged one another. To be honest, I don't know that I encouraged my dear friend as much as she did encouraged me. She was always so well prepared and often I felt like I was clumsily stumbling through. Our last class together was in May. Our children are getting older, one of her children graduated and the Lord has brought three new young ones into her life through adoption. Our season changed. It was sad on one hand but on the other comforting to know that it is God who establishes these seasons and provides us with exactly what we need when we need. We are learning how to do this on our own again and I think we are having fun in the journey. I will miss our unit celebrations and field trips with our friends.

April 2011 Unit Celebration. Year 4 Tapestry of Grace.
This year I learned what it means to be a church family. I learned that when many people each do a little we can accomplish beautiful things as we follow the orders of  our King; love one another as you have been loved. We had to part with a dear friend as she went home after a long illness. I know we will meet again and have been comforted recently as I think about this being the best Christmas she has ever known!

As I think of all the things I learned this year I would be remiss to not reflect on the lessons that are eternal. God has strengthened me and made me weak. He has provide for every need and he has re-prioritized my lists to highlight the things that are truly needful. As I look forward to the year ahead I know that whatever comes it will be according to the will of God. One word keeps rattling through my brain, poking out from dark corners and whispering to me when I am still. Content.  Be content. I think I will try to purpose myself to explore that more in the year ahead. I want to be able to say, as the apostle, Paul, did "...for have learned in whatever situation I am to be content". (Phil.4:11)

I did a lot and learned a lot this year. I turned fifty this year! I started my blog this year!  I finally got to see Washington D.C. I've learned more about myself, too. That can be a discussion for another time; it is enough for now that I am still learning. I am looking forward to whatever God has in store for me in 2015 and looking forward to what he does in your life, as well. Thanks for sharing the year with me. God willing, I will see you next year!

Linking up to Savvy Southern Style's Wow Us Wednesdays!

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