
Monday, December 22, 2014

Comfort and Joy!

I love the Christmas season. I love the decorating and baking. I love wrapping presents and attending festive gatherings. I love wishing people a Merry Christmas. I love shopping for those special gifts that fit each person I am buying for and especially when that happens to coincide with a light snowfall. I am sad for those that think this time of the year is a hassle and express their disdain as they roll their eyes or huff their way through the checkout line. Did they loose the wonder of Christmas? Did they never know it?

My home has been a progressive decorating experiment this Christmas. I can't figure out what my style is, where it headed or what I want it to be. With two "new" rooms in my house this year I am having a hard time figuring out what to do with them in light of the fact the fact that most of my Christmas décor has a country feel to it. I think I have Decorating ADD in that I like too many different things that I cannot seem to make go together. I see the pretty pictures online where everything matches and all the balls on the  tree are one or two colors and they seemlessly carry that theme throughout all the home....not me!

I have decorations that my mom gave me that are older than me. There are decorations that I got when I was a small child. A certain plump little Mrs. Claus gets tucked in the back of the tree every year. Nobody knows she is there but me-and now you! There are decorations from Germany that I collected when I was in high school there. I love my nutcrackers!

Then there are the chickens! Yes, chickens. The first Christmas I knew my husband we went shopping at a mall and stopped at one of those stores that sets up just for the Christmas season with decorations for sale. My husband did not really celebrate Christmas as a child and so with seemingly no idea of what good Christmas decorations were he picked out this crazy rooster to go into my Christmas tree! I really liked him at the time and so after some light protests and a lot of laughter I agreed to put the bird in my tree. Mind you, the thing is about 11 inches tall and about 9 inches wide; not a small little ornament that can be hidden easily. Hiding it was not his intent. Front and center in tree stood the rooster and he got the name Cornelius Cluck.

That Christmas my parents (who really liked my new beau) thought they would play along. They purchased the female counterpart to our rooster and named her Henrietta La Poule which means The Hen in French. We all had a good laugh. Cute, I thought, and I can live with it for one Christmas.
Fast forward 19 years later.......

They look like they have mange or have molted. Their beaks have been glued and re-glued as well as there little chicken feet but they are still hanging in there and my husband simply would not hear of not having them in the tree. I have tried to leave them in the box but he notices immediately and now has the children fighting for their annual appearance in our tree. I am out numbered! So, what's a girl to do? I have embraced the chickens.

The picture of my girls about 6 years ago with their daddy and the
perfect Christmas tree.

I don't know how to make that eclectic tree go with the hutch that is in the same room but this year I am not that worried about it.

 My kitchen has changed from a decidedly country farm kitchen look to something more mature and contemporary and yet traditional. Which did not go with the decorations I used to put in there. So, without spending a bunch of money to do something different I worked with what I had.

Our kitchen island that is STILL not done.

Coffee, cocoa and tea station.

My great-grandmother's china tea cups.

Still need to finish window treatments.

Home Goods purchase this year to add some more sparkle!

The dining room has been a challenge, as well. I thought it would be easy with the color scheme in there but really hasn't been as easy as I thought. It's kinda like moving into a new home. You make initial plans that often turn out not being how you want to live in it. So, once everything is done you start over. It sounds crazy but I have read of many bloggers that have the same dysfunctional disorder. (Yes, mental disorders probably run in my family!) I am comfortable that how my dining room looks this year is only a test.

The needle point was a gift from a dear friend!


And so, this is our Christmas home this year. In every room I have chosen to remind myself, my family, and guests of JOY.

I remember someone explaining once that the anticipation leading up to a thing is part of the joy. Imagine Christmas excitement for a child if there were nothing leading up to it. Just BOOM-here's a gift. Anticipation is part of the whole thing! The reason for my joy; the reason for our celebration is Christ Jesus. All the carols, sparkle, the glitter, the beautiful, treasured things serve to remind me of the beauty that awaits me on that one glorious day when I will stand in the presence of the One who has given me these small glimpses of joy. I anticipate the day when I will be in the arms of the best Gift of all. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

 May Christ be the author of your joy this Christmas!

Linking to Savvy Southern Style's Wow Us Wednesdays #201

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