
Friday, September 18, 2015

To Market, To Market...

Okay, okay….I give! Bring on Fall. No, I have not completely decorated for it yet but I am working on it. Here's a sneak peak.

The weatherman said the summer weather is leaving and by the end of this weekend we will be struggling to maintain temperatures in the low 70’s. They are predicting an early show of fall foliage. My sweaters are still packed but I have started putting away my linen dresses and most of the beachy décor. (Okay, some of the beachy décor.) I do like pulling out clothes that have been stored away. It’s like saying hello to an old friend. I have to work hard at not overdressing and then being too warm. I tend to get a twinge of “oh, yeah, I missed that shirt (dress, sweater, whatever) and decide to wear it on a day that is still just a bit too warm for it.

As I decorate and pack away things for next year my excitement is rising for the upcoming season of fairs, bazaars, and festivals. I was contacted by the ladies at Vintage Thymes Monthly Market to write a post about their new adventure.  I will write more about that later. This weekend I am headed to Mary Ellen and Sandy’s Vintage Home and Garden Marketplace! They were recently featured in Romantic Country Magazine as one of the top markets in the country. Mister and I took a trip to Foxboro this past spring to their market. You may remember seeing the blog post here.

The following weekend we are headed back up to Salisbury to see the lovely ladies at Coastal Windows & Exteriors. Again, they will be the sponsors for the Vintage Bazaar. I met some talented people there in June (here) and look forward to seeing some of them again.

All this is coming up in addition to apple picking, corn mazes, the Topsfield Fair, little local fairs, the Big E, and on and on it goes. I suppose that If one has to say good-bye to lazy days in the sun with sound of the surf reaching the shore that Autumn in New England is not such a bad trade off.

Now, off to the market! Are you coming?


  1. Oh what a sweet display at the Market. Love this. I see some treasures I would love. Have fun.

    1. Oh, there were some lovely things. I left with an old wooden oar (for a friend's father's house and a wreath for me. They will both show up in a post soon! Thanks for visiting!

  2. woow. I just Love the golden pumpkin :)
    You are welcome to join my BlogParty
    Hugs from Håkan in sweden

    1. Thank you for the invitation, Hakan! (My computer doesn't know how to put that mark above the "a", sorry.) The pumpkin is spray painted. I will divulge that information in a future post! Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Jolena, I adore metallic and always have gold leaf (a lot of fun!), gold and silver spray paint and some gold acrylic on hand to make things over. Your little pumpkin is very special indeed. Please come and share at Five Star Frugal this week? Love, Mimi xxx

    1. Hi Mimi, thanks for stopping by! Glad you like my pumpkin. Who doesn't like a little bling!? I popped over to Five Star Frugal and linked up. Thank you for inviting me!

  4. Wow, that is quite a calendar you have going for you. Sounds like fun though---your burnished pumpkin is delicious, thanks for the tour. The cow painting is just excellent. Happy Fall, Sandi

    1. Hi Sandi! Thank you for visiting with me! It makes me happy that the little pumpkin is getting so much attention.

  5. I'm off to Round Top Antique Market next week. To market, to market, to buy ........ ;-)
    Have a great time.

    1. Oooh! I would love to go on that trip! Maybe stop in and meet the Junk Gypsies.... Hope you have a great time! Thanks for stopping by, Sarah.

  6. These photos are so great! Everything looks pretty! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  7. What lovely photos you have shared. Fall is such a pretty time of year and Happy Fall.
    Thanks for joining and sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.

    1. Thank you for visiting with me and hosting the party!

  8. Hi Jolena,
    What lovely pics, that last one took my breathe away it was pretty. Yea, the Fall is such a great time of the year,
    so much to look forward to with Thanksgiving and Christmas, and craft shows, and just the beauty of it all.

    Hope you have a Great Fall
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Hi Nellie, I am thankful for your visit! The colors that we get in these parts makes me want to try to capture them on my camera. I am not a very good photographer and should spend more time honing that craft but time ticks by too fast! I am glad that what I did manage to catch gave you joy!

  9. Hi Jolena. I've featured your golden pumpkin at Five Star Frugal this week. Love, Mimi xxx

    1. Yay! Thanks, Mimi! I am glad you stopped by! I will be sure to drop by and see what's happening at Five Star Frugal.

  10. I remember that fabulous fair. I sure would love going to these wonderful places! I see lots of wonderful eye candy. I spray my pumpkins gold for Christmas. Looks cute for fall as well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Hi, Miss Jann! Are you from around these parts? I don't know where I had been but this was my first year painting pumpkins. Now I am seeing everyone doing it- EVERYWHERE! It's great to know I am in such good company. Thanks for hosting the party and visiting with me.
