
Friday, October 2, 2015

Autumn Home 2015-Part 2

Last week I showed the dining room all decked out  for the fall season. This week we will try to get a little farther....with lots of pictures!

In the kitchen I used an old milk bottle basket thing-a-ma-bob that usually sits on my front porch. I purchased mums, kale and cabbage...all little ones. for less than $10. I had some burlap in the basement that I cut strips from to wrap around each of the three containers then I squished them into the bottle carrier. I used some pine cones in the empty space and some fake floral stuff I had purchased from A.C.Moore (at 50 percent off). I pulled it apart and used it elsewhere in the house.

Not the greatest picture. Still learning how to photograph on granite countertops! 
I stuck (not a real glamorous term) two faux Chinese lantern branches into my yard sale pitcher. 

 I pulled things from around the house to dress the shelves. The picture was ripped out of a Martha Stewart magazine over 10 years ago. I placed it into an old frame and a used matting- who would know? (Unless they happen to read it here.) I still have not changed the chalkboard so I won't show that yet.

In the living room I hung the new wreath I picked up from Mary Ellen and Sandy's Marketplace. It is made of twine, jute and wool and a raffia, I think.

I wanted to keep things more neutral in this room so I kept it to whites and beiges, browns and creams. The blue entertainment piece and the hutch can handle oranges but I was really liking all the white I was seeing on everyone else's blogs!
Have to keep some beach in there somewhere!

Dried hydrangea from the garden.

My pumpkins here were from Michael's-60 percent off. Woo-hoo! I had the moss and picked up the burlap leaves from A.C.Moore at half off. The cake plate was either a yard sale find or I got it at one of the vintage markets a while back. I cut out some leaves from an old book and attached them with a straight pin.

A mini oil painting I picked up at a yard sale years ago for pennies.

I am finished not a moment too soon. The air has turned colder, the trees are turning and I am wanting my chunky sweaters! And, that is the home decorated for autumn fair! I am glad it is finally done...but.... that is not going to keep me from changing things around or adding more as I see things I would like to copy. I'll be sure to let you know when I do! 

                                                                Happy Autumn!

Linking Up :
All these!


  1. Pretty touches of fall. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you, Sarah and thanks for spending some time with me today. Hope your week is filled with many blessings and much joy!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank for the visit, Christine and the kind words.H

  3. Jolena, I'm loving the neutrals! That twine wreath just calls to me. I want to reach into the computer and stroke's just looks so textural and gorgeous! Clever move on framing the old magazine page. Love it! Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frugal this week. Love, Mimi xxx

    1. Thanks for visiting with me, Mimi. I totally reached out and touched wreath when I saw it! I am a very tactile person and in my brain one of my dream rooms would be in shades of whites but a million different textures. Thanks for hosting Five Star Frugal.

  4. Beautiful pictures, lovely home.

  5. Beautiful pictures, lovely home.

  6. Beautiful! I love that you used a page from an old Martha magazine. Great tip, a matted frame will dress up anything. It looks expensive!

    1. Thank you, Denise. Thanks for the feedback on the magazine page. I have liked it for a long time (long time in decorating terms). It had gotten shuffled away for several years but recently I rediscovered it and still like it. That's how you know it's a classic.

  7. I am so glad I visited with you today because I needed the inspiration to add some fall touches to my home. In the south, we are still having 90 degree days; however, I believe if I forge ahead and add fall inside, surely it will happen outside as well. I loved the many little vignettes you have created throughout you lovely home with items you already had. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Hi, Elizabeth! I am glad for your visit, as well! I am happy to know that doing the things that bring me joy have inspired you to do beautiful things in your home. I would love to see photos when you're done. I do hope you stop by again soon. Happy decorating!

  8. So pretty! You have lovely style! Thank you for continuing to share this series on the Art of Home-Making Mondays :)

  9. Thanks so much for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


    1. Thanks for hosting, Jennifer! I always enjoy seeing all the fun stuff everybody is up to!

  10. So pretty!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  11. Everything looks so cute! Love the ideas! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

    1. Thanks for the visit, Jessica and for hosting the party!

  12. Very pretty! I love all the dried hydrangeas. Thanks so much for sharing at the Creative Circle Link Party!
