
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Marketplace at Adams Farm

In the To Market, To Market… post I mentioned that Robin and Nancy from Vintage Thymes had contacted me to write a post for them. I have missed their monthly markets that used to be held in an old mill. I was thrilled that they would think of me and even more thrilled that they are interested in meeting the people this little blog reaches-you! 

The longer I spend on this planet the more solidly I understand that nothing ever stays the same. I am not one for change (reference: all my tantrums about Summer and Fall). I do, however,  acknowledge that things would probably grow boring and I would eventually lose my enthusiasm for certain things if they weren’t changed up a bit.  But honestly, change usually has to be forced upon me. Unlike me, and to their credit, Nancy and Robin seem to handle change with grace and an excited expectancy for new adventures. This is not their first move and it has been proven that their clientele (others like me) will gladly follow them where ever they go.

What are you doing on a late October weekend this fall? On October 24th and 25th Vintage Thymes will be hosting the Market Place at Adams Farm. There are 25+ vendors attending the event! Can you think of anything more yummy than a vintage fair?... On a farm?... In New England?... With all the glorious colors  of Autumn?! I know!! Makes you just want to grab your boots, jean jacket, and pocketbook, doesn’t it! 

If you have not attended a Vintage Thymes market before you can vicariously visit some past events here, here and here. (I think I may need an intervention of some sort.) In case you are short on time just scroll down to see some photos from past markets. The ladies are always so very kind to allow me to take pictures to share with you. 

Oh, my! They have some great markets! Look at all the stuff you could be missing. I hope I see you there. Better yet, if you’re in the area we could go together; I’m sure Mister would not mind giving up his spot in the car. He’s a sport but he is a guy after all and only goes because he knows it makes me happy. I am a very blessed woman.

For those of you who don't live close or can't just take a trip to Massachusetts for the weekend-no worries. I will be sure to post a "shopping trip" on the blog for you.

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