
Monday, December 21, 2015

The Perfect Tree

As a follow up to my last post....

Recently I followed a link to a blog post titled The Perfect Christmas Tree. It was a lovely post about some of the very things I struggled with this year as I decorated our tree. The blogger's tree turned out beautiful and lovingly displayed handmade ornaments and memories of years past. As I read the post my imagination and heart kept being tugged toward a different kind of tree, though.

I kept thinking about the post I had written and how it started out as a tour through my Christmas home but as I continued to write I really wanted to share with you why I celebrate Christmas. (See it here.)

As a child I loved helping my mother decorate. One of my favorite things to do was to lay down the "angel hair"- it was spun glass or something like that. Once it was positioned just so mom would snuggle the little manger scene down into the "snow" we had made from the angel hair. It never dawned on us that there was probably no snow in Bethlehem.... Nor did I consider that the baby in the manger was on a mission, one that would cost him his life.

Don Moen wrote O Mighty Cross in which he declares it, the cross, is "a tree of life to me". And that is what kept coming to my mind as truly the most perfect Christmas tree. Could there be a more perfect Christmas tree, can anything be more lovely? Nothing else will ever compare. And for that reason I wanted to write this brief (for me) post. My blogger friend edited her post a bit, to too. (You can read it here.)

Thanks for spending time with me. Wishing you a most blessed Christmas and joy in the new year! i I will see you in 2016, if God allows. Here is a gift for you;  A Christmas Song!

Sadly, the link to the Christmas Song has been removed. We are working to get it back up. 

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