
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My Favorite Posts From 2015 and An Epic Fail

As 2015 comes to a close I am looking back over the year and taking note of the some of the things that got done around our home this year. Sometimes I tend to forget all that we have been up to. As an amateur blogger I push to try to get a blog post up every week but life happens and things don't always go as I plan. I have used the blog to force myself to get things accomplished. I am a great procrastinator and often do my best work under pressure. The blog and the goal I have set to post weekly has been the catalyst for accomplishing projects around our home.

There are some things I got done this year that I am very happy with and proud of. It is nice to know that the work is appreciated by others and the blog provides some of that affirmation. My page views are at almost 30K! I don't know if that is good or sad for a blog that has been alive only a year and nine months but I am thrilled. I will share with you some of the things that got the most attention, my favorite projects and a not-so-favorite project.

Viewer Favorite #1

On An Island was a post where Mister and I took an old dry bar and made it into our movable kitchen island topped with granite perfect for rolling out pie crusts and making pizzas!

Viewer Favorite #2

Something Sew Small was my post of kitchen valances made by yours truly. I made a pattern from paper and went to work.

Viewer Favorite #3 

White Washed shared with you how I used some left over white paint, plaster of paris and some water to update some items in my home so that they fit better to my style...whatever that is.

Then there was my #1 Epic Fail!

It started here at my Autumn Home 2015-Part 1. I painted some cute little gourds and pumpkins with Rustoleum spray paint. They were beautiful!

I painted real pumpkins and plastic ones and loved the prettiness! Fast forward two weeks later and here are the real ones!

EWWW! Well, there is proof that not everything I attempt turns out great! The plastic ones held up fine and lasted through the fall season.

I have my own favorites, though. Good For Use is the one that I still go back to. It serves to remind me of my own condition if left to myself.

Of course, I loved all the shopping/treasure hunting expeditions and you know I love summer. At A Day By The Sea  Mister and I got to spend some time just enjoying one another's company.

My Media Storage post was the result of a $35 Craigslist purchase! It turned out great and I am so happy with the amount of storage we gained from it.

And there was the little red table I picked up for $10. It got a makeover in the Painted Table post after I watched a video courtesy of Pinterest on how to paint flowers.

As I was trying to pick out my favorites the recent bedroom makeovers were in the running as favorites and I have gotten such gracious compliments on the work there. I had a hard time picking my favorites and if I were to rewrite this post I may pick others as my favorites but the year is closing and so is the time for getting this post closed up.

I have plans for several projects in the year to come. Our home is an old one and is always needing something. Thanks for keeping me company this year. I look forward to visiting with you in 2016 and thank you for adding to my page views! I get so excited to see the traffic through my little corner of Bloggerville. Happy New Year and best wishes for you and your families!

Linking up here:
Cedar Hill Farmhouse, A Stroll Thru Life, Cozy Little House, Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home, Coastal Charm, I Should Be Mopping The Floor, Sand & Sisal, Ladybug Blessings, Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Christine and thanks for visiting with me!

  2. I love every project! I wish I had the time and the place to do some furniture makeovers! Happy New Year to you and your family!

    1. Hi Kelly, all this is done in our 1400 square foot home which honestly is enough room for me. Mister would probably agree as I seem to have a hard time keeping it clean lately! Hoping you find some time to do something creative soon! Thanks for spending time with me.

  3. Hi Jolena,
    Since I am fairly new to your blog it was fun to go down memory lane on your posts from last year.
    Love that island project I can see why it was the number one pick for the year. Beautiful. Happy New Year. Hoping for wonderful adventures and DIY's in 2016.

    1. Hi Kris, glad we catch up a bit on the past year's activities. I am looking forward to 2016 and hoping you will stop by often! Happy New Year!

  4. Love the look back! I generally paint my left over pumpkins gold and use them for Christmas. Have never had one mold. I think we must be much cooler here. This year was the first time I didn't do it in a long time, but one of my friends did it for the first time. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. I think maybe the problem was that I put them under glass creating a greenhouse effect that was too warm and moist-hence the furry mold! Thanks for visiting with me, Jann!
