
Monday, June 20, 2016

A Cape Cod Vintage Market

Recently, Mr.FixIt and I made a mad-dash getaway to Cape Cod.

The Bourne Bridge

Nobska Point Lighthouse, Woods Hole, MA
It was only for a few days but it was just us. The weather was beautiful and the water, though still cool, was a refreshing respite from the above average temperatures.

See the heart stone? I have a collection.
What could be more perfect? I had my husband (who happens to be my best friend), beautiful weather, a lovely place to stay and... the beach! Perfect!

Well, imagine my surprise when I realized that while we were there a vintage market would be happening. (Insert squeals of delight!) (Also, insert Mister rolling his eyes.)

Buoys and Burlap holds a monthly market during the summer months, I believe, in this gorgeous old church. The market is similar to the Vintage Thymes Market I wrote about in my last post. I grabbed my camera and credit card and off we went. I met some sweet, talented ladies. Come on, I'll show you!

These three photos were courtesy of Erika at Beach Cottage Living. Again, sweet lady and so nice to let me photograph even though I had forgotten my cards in my other pocketbook! Yup, I did. Anyway, you can find her on Facebook here or follow her on Instagram: BeachCottageLivingCC.

You've seen MapSacks before if you follow my blog. I love her stuff! There are such cute things to find here. They make great gifts and fun conversation pieces. I have purchased from her before for myself and for gifts....such a clever use of paper that would have ended in a land fill. I really should introduce myself and get her name!

Pretty things caught my eye at Soo Soo's Vintage.

I love old chippy paint!

Shells for handles, smart!
Then, on the way out there was Modern Vintage Design Studio. They are on Facebook, too. I had never seen anything from them before and wow, I had a big ole' case of the I-wants at just about everything in their space. Good thing Mister was with me, right? Take a look!

Inside I was screamin' "Me, me, me....I want to be a mermaid!".
I came home with a few treasures, too! Thank you Beach Cottage Living and Mister! We have been looking for one for a long time and it fits in beautifully.

We spent another day on the Cape walking around Chatham, taking some pictures.

Ooh, do I have the guts to paint my stairs and floor that color? 

An art display in the park of different sharks painted by different artists and groups. 

Couldn't ya just imagine an afternoon with some sweet tea and a fan watching the folks walk by.

It was not officially summer yet but everything about those few days put me firmly into the grasp of summer's siren calls. We spent the rest of our time wading into the ocean as we walked the beaches. We enjoyed sitting by the sea, reading and enjoying the beauty God has made.

Isn't that the cutest idea! 

Totally girlie shop so Mister waited outside. It was this piece of furniture that I went in to see! Falmouth, MA

So, this was in Lilly Pulitzer's shop. I can only look when I go in there!
Here it is the first day of summer. Buoys and Burlap has another market coming up soon. If you find yourself out that way I am sure they would love a visit from you. I am going to pack my beach bag... I feel the ocean calling me!

Joining these parties!
Stone Gable, Imparting Grace, The Charm of Home, The Vintage Nest, Have A Daily Cup of Mrs Olsen, Saavy Southern Style, The Blissful Bee, French Country Cottage, The Girl Creative, Shabby Art Boutique, The Cottage Market, Pieced Pastimes, Nifty Thrifty Things, Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home, Finding Silver Pennies, Inside the Fox Den, Pink When, Create with Joy, I Should Be Mopping the Floor, Pluckys Second Thought, The Dedicated House, Stonegable, Up To Date Interiors, The Saltwater Wife


  1. Oh gosh, I would have gone ape in the Lily P shop! I love the turquoise stars and door, too!

    1. I don't even dare take anything back to try on because I know I would try to justify the purchase. As for the door...I know, right!?

  2. Gosh I wish I had been with you. What great things you saw. I would have been tempted to buy everything.

    1. I am sure we would have a great time together, Debra! It was tempting to not buy more than I did. I think that is why I carry the camera. I can't buy everything but I still get to take them home with me!

  3. I asked myself the same question! Do I have the guts to paint my floor and stairs my favorite color of Aqua?! I am currently looking for a color to do just that. What a fun trip. I have never been to Cape Cod but we did make it to Boston last year.

    1. What was the answer to the question, AnnMarie? I would love to see pictures if you decided to take the plunge! Boston is a great town! If you love history, you can't beat it! As a homeschool mom it has provided endless opportunities for field trips and excursions. Hopefully, my trip to the Cape inspired you to maybe put it on the bucket list for next time. Thanks for stopping by, I always enjoy the visit!

  4. Loved seeing your pics, but unfortunately they didn't all come up for some reason, but the
    ones I did see were great. Loved that house where you were talking about fanning and drinking
    sweet tea....gorgeous, and I love Robins egg blue, so that stairwell and door pic where
    stunning..........What a marvelous time you must have had.........good for you, always nice
    to get away for a few days as a couple.
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Awww! That stinks, Nellie! I am not sure why the pictures didn't load. I am glad you stayed and visited for a while anyway.:)

  5. Wow...looks so amazing!! How fun!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  6. I've only been to Hyannis Port and Martha's Vineyard which I absolutely loved. Thanks for helping relive some lovely memories.

    1. I am glad you could spend some time with me, Carol and that it brought back those treasured memories for you.

  7. I would have gone broke if I went to the market. So many cute things!

    1. It was hard to keep my wallet put with the Mister helped.

  8. Love this!! a few places in Maine have been added to my bucket list. We live in a southern beach town, but there's just something about those northern beach towns!

    I don't think I'd have the guts to paint my floor teal. But I LOVE the way it looks!!

    1. Hi Annalee! I have grown very fond of these New England beach towns. I have had the opportunity to visits different beach communities throughout the U.S. and you're right, there is just something about these northern beach towns. Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me. Enjoy your summer!
