
Friday, June 24, 2016

Caught Up In The Moment

Well, the unofficial start to summer (June !st) started with a very happy event for us. Daughter #2 graduated from high school! The Christian homeschooling community in our state puts on a lovely graduation ceremony. We were so very pleased at how beautifully it all went. There were between sixty and seventy students that participated this year. I was quite impressed as I heard the accomplishments and plans of each student. It surprised me even more as I sat down a few weeks before to list my child's achievements over the past twelve years. Usually, I can barely focus on the year, month, week or even day in front of me. How did so much time pass? And, wow! She did a lot in that time!

My father flew out and spent the week with us to celebrate. It was nice having him here and just doing a whole lot of not-a-lot. We spent one whole day going through photos that we would be using for her party. The party date was two weeks after the graduation and dad wouldn't be here for that so we put him to work sifting through eighteen years of photos. Once we selected a few (120!), I put them together in a slide show to play during the party. Setting it on a loop allowed for people to come in middle and still get to see them all.

The weather was perfect and our guests came ready to play volleyball, bocci, corn hole, ect. In the back corner of our yard we have a grape arbor that was turned into a photo booth. I hung picture frames and tissue flowers. No, I did not make the flowers. I bought them at the dollar store-two for a dollar. Hung at different heights, they provided a pretty setting. I made a sign and suspended it inside an empty frame listing her Instagram hashtag. The sign was made from a piece of black cardstock and a chalk pen. Easy! I made a smaller sign that read Photo Props and I tied it with twine to a basket. The basket was filled with hats, garlands, glasses, masks, leis, beads, ect all purchased from the dollar store. All total, I think it cost me about $20. Adults and young ones alike were donning hats and phones were snapping photos!

I took all these before the party. Notice the Instagram sign hanging on the left? 

A simple sign using card stock and a chalk pen.

Downstairs, in our basement, I have a hoarded stash of furniture waiting for me to paint, repair, get rid of... anyway, I brought a vanity up to the yard. After cleaning it off and wiping out the drawers we were ready to turn it into our drink station. I lined the drawers with old linens and filled them with plastic cups. Two drink dispensers (borrowed from a friend) were to sit on top to hold lemon water.

A little sign hung on the mirror was made with my handy-dandy chalk paint pen and chipboard chalkboard from A.C. Moore at 50% off. Under the vanity was a galvanized tin barrel to hold juices.

Next up we pulled an old baker's rack out of the shed. I cleaned it up and gave it quick coat of Rustoleum in black. I made a banner sign from pages of an old book and free-handed the lettering with a Sharpie. A dear friend provided the iced coffee and fixings for the station. Another galvanized tin sat between the vanity and the baker's rack to hold sodas.

Of course, the only picture I got has one of the letters turned over! 
I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it so smart that I made one for our party.

As you can see everything was relatively easy and very inexpensive. Many friends brought salads and dishes to share. Don't be intimidated by perfect Pinterest party pictures. Use what you have, enlist help and have fun!

My girl wore the most beautiful smile the entire day. It was pure joy to see her have such a fun day set aside to celebrate her hard work and the Lord's faithfulness in our homeschooling adventure. I was so distracted with all the fun that I never did get finished pictures of the stations set up-I got caught up in the moment-and I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world.

I will try to do better the next time....

Party Time:
Lambert's Lately, The Blissful Bee, Savvy Southern Style, Up To Date Interiors

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