
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My Summer Kitchen

No matter how hard I try my kitchen counters are always filled with things that really should be put away. I have to remind myself that I live in a house with others and not in a museum. Sadly, at time I just move quickly through the room trying to not notice the clutter but occasionally I have that "I've had enough" moment and clean everything off. The change of season was a good reason to do that and as long as everything was cleaned off I snapped some photos!

Never underestimate the power of a bunch of grocery store blooms~! 

I love the color and life they bring to the kitchen. They make me smile when I walk in. 

This three tiered stand was something I had my eye on for a while but every time I saw if for sale on one of the sites I follow it would sell out before I could make the purchase. Very sad. I managed to find one on Home Depot's site (of all places?!) and couldn't be happier about the addition to my kitchen. It holds summer necessities; melamine plates, plastic cups, straws, and extra lemons and limes to add to a cool glass of ice water or selzter.

My chalkboard got some love from a chalk paint pen. After many trials and errors and having to repaint the chalk board (ugh!), because I couldn't get the chalk paint pen off, I have discovered that I can use a chalk pen and clean it off with Mr. Clean Eraser. Yay! 

Remember the colander I used as a planter early spring?

And my fabulous find of a scale that I purchased last month on the Cape holds a bowl from my grandmother filled with some bright lemons.

 I decided I should change the beachy sign to a more sunny sentiment.


On the other side of the room all was cleaned up and the feeling of space and freshness made me breathe easier. 

I am pretty sure it does not look like this now!

The kitchen is enjoying summer and so am I. I think I will grab some lemonade, a book and enjoy the day and the idea of my kitchen being in order. 


  1. You justly, flowers are a wonder of the world! Favorite combination: white-yellow. The decor of the kitchen is very successful, the colors and objects. I like wooden shelf.
    A summer sun, I wish!
    Regards, Mia

    1. Thank you, Mia! I am so glad you could spend time with me today!

  2. Beautiful for summer. Love white and yellow together. Have a great week.

    1. I love fresh flowers and the the yellow seemed so summery and fresh! Thanks for stopping by, Kris. Hope you have a great week, too!

  3. I love your summer look . . . fresh flowers . . . cute chalkboard . . . great tray!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Those three ingredients could make any room look great! Thanks for visiting with me!

  4. I love your summer look . . . fresh flowers . . . cute chalkboard . . . great tray!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. Oh gosh, it all looks so fresh and clean. I was just telling my friend today that my home has more stuff just sitting around and stuffed into corners right now than in the entire 7 years we have lived here. I am going to take a room at a time and dejunk! Love your flowers, the darling tray, and your chalkboard art! I was going to tell you about Magic Eraser, but then saw that you knew. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Stuff does accumulate, doesn't it? I used to be so much more organized. It makes me wonder how on earth some live in those tiny homes! Thanks for stopping by, Jann and for hosting the party~

  6. Flowers and fruit always bring things life especially in fun yellow.

    1. You're right, Carol! Thanks for stopping by and spending time with me!

  7. I love your kitchen. And I have always loved yellow in a kitchen, it makes it so bright and happy.

  8. You have beautiful taste. I love your pops of yellow and your arrangements. Thanks for sharing at Your Inspired Design Link Party.

    1. Thank you, Carol. I am glad you liked visiting with me. I hope you drop by again, soon!

  9. Your summer kitchen is so fresh and the flowers! I make special trips to Trader Joe's for flowers, because they just always seem to have the prettiest and freshest. Adore the chalkboard and good to know about the Magic Eraser.

    1. I am glad you could spend some time with, Carol. Trader Joe's does have beautiful flowers. Unfortunately for me it is a 45 minute ride which puts those pretty blooms in distress in the summertime. I am glad you like the chalkboard. It is magnetic, too! I did a post on it a while back, you can see it here:

  10. Your kitchen looks so pretty and cheerful! What an inspiration to add some touches like these! I'm also a fan of grocery store blooms, by the way. Thanks so much for coming by my blog. I'm so glad I found yours.

    1. Aww, thank you, Pam! I am so glad you stopped by.

  11. Your kitchen looks so pretty and cheerful! What an inspiration to add some touches like these! I'm also a fan of grocery store blooms, by the way. Thanks so much for coming by my blog. I'm so glad I found yours.

  12. I love this look! The chalkboard is adorable! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

    1. Thank you for visiting with me! Thanks for the party.

  13. I love your pops of yellow Jolena for a fresh summer feel in the kitchen. The chalkboard is lovely too. Thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday. I'm delighted to be featuring you at tomorrow's party. Hugs ~ Kerryanne

    1. Yay! Thank you, Kerryanne! Thank you for hosting the party and for the opportunity to to share my blog there.

  14. Congrats Jolena - you are our Friend Of The Week at this week's Friendship Friday party at Create With Joy!

    Your home and blog are so lovely. I hope you continue to share your lovely journey with us!

    Have a blessed week! :-)

    1. Yay! Thank you! I am so glad you could spend some time with me today and hope you come back real soon.

  15. Beautiful kitchen :) I'm a new follower from the Friendship Friday Blog Party!

    1. Hi, Lisa! Welcome. I am happy that you stopped by for a visit and hope you visit often.

  16. What a gorgeous kitchen--I am planning on remodeling mine so goals! Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday, please join us again:).

    1. Hi Donna! Sounds like you have some fun times ahead of you. If you look at the posts under the Renovations tab on this blog you can see what happened to our kitchen when we took it down to the studs. Thank you for visiting with me! I hope you come back soon.
