
Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 Round-up and Review

2016 was a fun year for me full of changes and new adventures. The year started off rather slow. After Christmas and a brief break from the blog I struggled with what to jump back into blogging about, which project to tackle, do I have time, do I have anything to say.... blah, blah, blah.

Visits to the blog were as slow as my postings.  I watched the numbers of visitors trickle in. Then bam! My numbers started going crazy. I didn't know why. I could see that people were looking a post from 2015 but didn't know why the attention.

I did a few small projects like the Craigslist night stand and mirror.

We finished the room switch upstairs with the completion of the office/music room.

 Easter came and went. Then Mister called me one day in April and said something like "Did you know your blog was on Huffington Post?" What?? Wait...WHAT??? He sent me the link and there was my daughter's bedroom. Crazy, right? Turns out HP doesn't tell you when they use your work on an post; no warning, no collaborating, just boom~!

So, here are the top three posts visited this year.

#1)  Bedroom #2-Reveal (actually a 12/2015 post but it took off in 2016)

#2) A Craigslist Hutch Tutorial

#3) My Summer Kitchen

Top 3 posts according to Hometalk

#1) Old Girl-New Gig, Part 3- Bathroom Makeover Completed

This was the first "job" I've ever done for someone other than myself! (And, yes, I should have ironed that shower curtain!)

#2) Evolution Of A Gallery Wall

#3) DIY Art With A Sharpie

Top 3 posts according to me (my favorites).

#1) Stay Close

#2) Dreams, Fears, Miss Mustard Seed and Me

#3) Counter Chairs

Why this one? I LOVED the fabric on these chairs, number one. Number two, I dream of someday having a beach cottage and these chairs are what I envision in my beach home. Number 3, they are fun and a big change from how they started with little money and a little work.

There you have it; a year of writing and painting and fixing and making things around my home. I wonder what the new year will bring and what I can get into. A friend stopped over recently with her sons for a Christmas visit. They were amazed that nothing had been painted recently. I reassured them that there plans in the works for a couple of rooms to get a fresh coat of new color.

Just thinking about it now makes me want to get started but first I have to put away the Christmas decor. Ugh! I don't like that part but I do like the feeling of space when everything is put away.  And, school is back in full swing next week so I had better get busy!

Happy New Year to you, friend and thanks for the visits throughout the year! 


  1. The craigslist hutch tops my list, but everything is appealing.

    1. Thank you, Sugar and thanks for visiting with me!

  2. Hi Jolene, thanks for visiting my blog and reading and your kind words! What a great 2016 review. I love the Summer bucket list and your gallery wall. And I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I'm slowly getting back into things and cleaning out a few drawers!

    1. Oh, me too, Melanie! I am getting the urge to change some stuffs around and when that happens I have to purge. Mister has put a bee in my bonnet and I am ready to run with it. Well, just about ready... Thank you for stopping by. I did so enjoy visiting your blog and would suggest that others to stop by, as well!

  3. I appreciate you kind comments today over at my blog. I loved your summer kitchen and those counter stools are adorable!

    1. Hi, Sherry! Thanks for stopping by. Don't ya' just love the colors on those stools? I think especially in the winter blahs I am those colors jump out at me.

  4. Jolena, congrats on the Huff Post feature. Yes they are sneaky like that. Haha. I see that a number of my favorite posts are here also. But some others are new to me, time to catch up on them. I hope you had a wonderful break for the holidays and I'm looking forward to lots of creative ideas from you this year.

    1. Thanks for the visit, Mary! I hope you find some more favorites as you follow along. We had a lovely Christmas season. There is much in the works for this year, already! I am excited to share happy to know you'll be following along. I look forward to seeing what happens with you in the coming year, also!
